Haz click aquí para traducir al español 1General Information2Event Experience3Event Highlights4Event Organization5Feedback and Suggestions6Additional Comments Full Name(Required) Email Overall, how would you rate your experience at ExpoContratista 2023?(Required) Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor What were your main reasons for attending ExpoContratista 2023? (Select all that apply)(Required) Exploring New Products/Services Networking Opportunities Attending Workshops/Seminars Staying Informed about Industry Trends Other (please specify) Please Specify(Required) Pleasy Specify your answer...Were your expectations met at the event?(Required) Yes No What were the most valuable aspects of ExpoContratista 2023 for you?(Required)Did you attend any workshops or seminars during the event? If so, which ones did you find most informative or interesting?(Required) How would you rate the organization and planning of ExpoContratista 2023?(Required) Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Was the event schedule and program well-structured and informative?(Required) Yes No Were the event staff and volunteers helpful and accommodating?(Required) Yes No What aspects of ExpoContratista 2023 worked particularly well for you, and why?(Required)Is there anything you found lacking or areas that could be improved for future events?(Required)Do you have any suggestions for specific workshops, topics, or activities you'd like to see at future ExpoContratista trade shows?(Required) Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience at ExpoContratista 2023?(Required)